365 Days of me

Day 1

To my fellas,

This happens when you have a ton of notebooks but neither of them can be used for writing purposes. Instead of that, I use them to show my artsy side.

Although that was my main reason I had another one to make this series.
Through the whole last year I suffered from many things, luckily they are not health-related, but mentally and emotionally.

I was in my senior year, I past through my last year of IB (International Baccalaureate) and I have to have a bikini body for my trip to Cancun. But it wasn’t so simple. The IB program sucks up my will to live. I procrastinated….A LOT. But not because I didn’t want to make something, it was because I have lost all the motivation to keep going. Also my mother suffered from financial problems, which is a little (a lot) hard not to feel empathy, I mean…I live just with my mom…so we cant hide things from each other.

Also I went vegan this year, but my body was so fucked up from my previous diets that my hormones were going crazy. That leads to an entire year of pain, I couldn’t lose the weight I wanted for my trip neither my prom party. I was so sad and mad at it. But finally I my hormones are okay and I’m starting to lose weight without the crazy exercise I used to do.

And the cherry on top was that I found I have some serious stress and anxiety problems. But I’m also a person that never want to show want I’m going through, not because I want to show myself as a strong person, but I don’t like people to feel sad about me, because there is crap in their life too, so they don’t need that extra weight from a friend.

I hope this doesn’t bothered you, but there is a resume of my problems that lead to the change I want to make in myself this year. But I will talk with you about that in my next post.

With all my love,


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